
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Progress - my favorite shirts

I have three t-shirts, three pairs of pants that I really hope to fit into again someday without the dreaded muffin top and a pair of shorts. Well, I am happy to report that I can pull on one pair of the pants and the shorts AND get them zipped and buttoned. They aren't exactly comfortable though, but I am making progress!!!!! I still can't really get any of the t-shirts on or the other two pairs of pants though, but I'm getting closer!
I hung up the three t-shirts I hope to wear again. All three are WAY too small right now! And, yes, those are stuffed animals in the corner of my closet! :)
I will admit, I have been totally lazy in the working out department! However, I have been doing pretty well in eating and nutrition! I made it a goal to eat a minimum of two servings of fruit per day as fruit is something I often don't enjoy. By focusing on eating fruit daily, I've managed to eat far more fresh fruits AND vegetables daily and far LESS junk! WooHoo! I have a bit more energy (not a lot, to be honest, but a bit...), am sleeping slightly better, and I'm more comfortable in my clothes. I also have far fewer digestive issues recently.

I recently decided to make another big change in my routines and THROW AWAY my old fitness journals! I found it really discouraging to use journals that span many months. If I miss more than a few days of exercise, chances are I'm going to spread that out to a few weeks. It can be depressing to look back through the journal and see so many blank days. :(

Over the course of the week I've realized that if I had a shorter journal, say a journal that spans only one week at a time, I would be more likely to commit for that duration. So, I have created a one-week fitness journal and will be using it starting today! I can commit to a week, right???? YES, I CAN! The journal will be up in my Etsy shop later tonight.

A month or so ago I couldn't even button these shorts! They certainly aren't comfortable, but the fact that I can get them all the way up, zipped, and buttoned is HUGE progress and all from eating right!

Side view of the shorts.
Some of what I've been eating - not the soup though. The soup is for my son.
Check back soon for the fitness journal and please consider following my blog to keep up with my journey towards fitness, health, and well-being! The fitness journal will be available in my Etsy shop and includes sections for exercise, nutrition, and financial tracking. I included financial tracking as it seems as if physical fitness and finances are tied together for many of us. Weird but true!

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